
Q – What is a Line Load system?

11th February 2014

A – Our Line Load system was created to enable us to provide a cost effective solution to the modular industry, but can also be used in other markets providing the structure underneath is appropriate.

It consists of prefabricated trusses (or frames as they are sometimes called) which are installed on site along a wall or down the line of a module that is able to accommodate the load of both the Dibsa structure and the roof coverings.

I must however point out that not all walls or modules are able to take the load along these points and we always obtain advice from our Structural Engineer and also the manufacturer of the module for suitability and load points.

Our Line Load system does not span and remains in contact with the load bearing structure beneath, hence the name… Line Load.

Interested? – Give us a call on 01226 320920 or send us a message.

Q – What is a Dead Load Structure?

5th February 2014

Dibsa Dead Load StructureA – A Dibsa Dead Load system is a series of lightweight steel members, delivered to site in kit form for fitting directly onto the existing roof –  think along the lines of Meccano for Adults.

Our dead load system is predominantly used when carrying out flat to pitch conversions as the system is fully adjustable to allow for any plant or undulations on the roof itself.

It consists of a base member fixed directly to the existing roof with height adjustable props fixed onto it, followed by a rafters and purlins (dependant on the selected roof covering).

The reason we call it a Dead Load system is that the weight of the structure is transferred down through the existing roof as a dead weight. It is therefore important to ascertain the composition of the existing roof as our structure is not suitable for installation onto stramit but can be installed onto roof decks such as woodwool, timber, steel beam, concrete etc.

Our dead load system is favoured by many roofing contractors carrying out refurbishment for its ease of use, structural stability, adjustability and competitive price.

All our structures are delivered to site with a full set of detailed laminated drawings and Dibsa assembly guides.

If you have a flat roof that is causing you a headache call Dibsa. We design, we develop, we deliver!